Highlights of our 2023 sale included the sale of bulls to four states and confirmed great support from our existing clients. We sold 41 bulls to twenty-eight mostly repeat clients to average $10,854.
The high levels of measured performance in our cattle was well sought after and we were well rewarded for our high carcase merit sires. Our three top priced bulls all selling to repeat clients were in the top 10% of the breed for EMA and top 5% for IMF.

Days Limelight S084 sold for $32,000 to Shiloh Park.
He is in the top 10% of the breed for nine traits and all indexes.

Days Magnum S006 sold for $30,000 to Senior Park.
An incredible calving ease and carcase merit sire

Days Monte Carlo S213 sold for $22,000 to Harlock Pastoral.
Short gestation, high milk, large scrotal and once again carcase merit are highlights of this bull.