Our 2021 Bull Sale set new records for the stud with the highest average and top price recorded. 46/47 bulls sold to a top of $40,000 to average $10,978.
We received fantastic support from clients old and new, near and far, seedstock and commercial. The sons of Days Godfather N022 were well received with six of them topping at $40,000 and averaging $17,833.

Days Kingswood Q139 purchased by Talbalba Herefords @ Millmerran QLD for $40,000 Kingswood is in the top 1% for EMA and top 10% for 200,400 & 600 day wt., scrotal size, carcase wt., and all indexes.
Second top price was another Godfather N022 son, who sold to long time supporters the Snuggery, Kingston SA for $24,000.
The first sons of Talbalba the Hoff L051 were well received with Days Jubilee Q108 selling for $23,000 to long time clients Shiloh Park, Mount Gambier.
It was great that our pastoral clients have finally had some rain and were able to attend again. Todd River, long time supporters purchased seven bulls while Mount Doreen and Undoolya who have previously bought bulls from us at Alice Springs purchased 5 and 2 bulls, respectively.
We were thrilled with our sale result and look forward to presenting a line of high performing bulls again in 2022.

Days Indicator Q212. Top 5% CED & IMF, top 10% GL, EMA, and all indexes

Days Jubilee Q108. Top 5% 400 & 600 day wt., carcase wt., EMA & retail beef yield